The North Corso Residents’ Association is dedicated to improving the quality of life for residents of the North Corso Italia neighbourhood in Toronto (bounded by St Clair Ave. West to the south, Dufferin St. to the east, Rogers Rd. to the north, and the Prospect Cemetery to the west).

Our priorities include:

Traffic safety
Speeding, stunt driving, and the use of residential streets and laneways as shortcuts have long been issues in our neighbourhood. Through the formation of an independent Traffic Management Committee, we are working with our City Councillor’s office to suggest changes that will improve road safety for everyone — drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians alike.Our short-term traffic safety priorities include (1) the installation of a crosswalk to allow pedestrians to safely cross Rogers Road at the Prospect Cemetery; (2) the installation of a traffic control signal on Dufferin Street at Goodwood / Cloverlawn; and (3) speed limit reduction to 30 km/h or less on area side-streets.

Beautification and green space
The North Corso Italia neighbourhood has been identified by City staff as being particularly lacking in publicly accessible recreation and green space. We are developing strategies to increase the amount of park space in our area, to enhance access to spaces that already exist, and to clean up and beautify our streets and parks by reducing litter and graffiti.

Community safety
We aim to build community safety by working to identify dangerous behaviour and opportunities to make our streets more family-friendly.